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Worthy Bonds
Worthy Bonds

Learn more about the bonds sold by Worthy

Is there a feature that auto-purchases a bond once I’ve accumulated $10 in interest?
Do these bonds come with risk?
Do Worthy Bonds have a maturity date?
Why was my account deactivated?
Who determines if I am an accredited or unaccredited investor?
Will My Bonds Change In Value?
How much can I expect the monthly totals of the Roundups to be?
What if I change my mind? Can I stop or pause the my Roundups or Recurring investments?
Can I withdraw only my interest?
How do I cancel my transaction?
Is My Worthy account FDIC insured?
How do I reset my password?
What account is used for Roundup purchases?
How do "Roundups" work?
Is there a referral program?
How does Worthy make money?
Will the interest change based on market conditions?
In which countries are Worthy Bonds available?
Are there any fees or penalties?
When should I expect my first interest to accrue?
Can anyone buy Worthy bonds?
How many bonds can I buy?
Is the interest taxable?
Does the bond accrue at compounded or simple interest?
What's the difference between a corporate bond and Worthy bonds?
Am I opening a brokerage account?
Where do the bonds reside?
Do the Roundups alter the transactions on my bank or credit card account statement?
I already own Stocks and ETF’s, why should I buy bonds?
What is an accredited and non-accredited investor?
What are bonds?
Why real estate?
Understanding the 90-Day Holding Period for Gifted Worthy Bonds
7% Rate Increase
2023 Tax information
How is compound interest calculated?
Why didn't I receive a 2023 1099-INT for my Worthy Peer Capital I funds?
Why was the interest reported on my 2023 Worthy Peer Capital II 1099-INT lower than the actual balance earned?